Notation based on the Act on Specified Commercial Transactions

Business name



Operation manager

Rika Kumakiri


Business location

Postal code: 376-0031

Address: cocotomo123, 1st floor, Tobu Kiryu Building, 5-51 Honmachi, Kiryu City, Gunma Prefecture


Business contact information

Email :


home page


Service name



business hours

The response time for inquiries is as follows.

Weekdays 9: 00-17:00 (Responses to inquiries may take several days)


About sales price

The selling price will be the displayed amount (displayed price / consumption tax included).


Payment period

After ordering the product, the order will be finalized once all information has been entered and confirmed.


Product delivery time

We usually ship within 7 business days after receiving your order.


About returns

Please be sure to check the product when it arrives.

[Products that can be returned]

We accept returns for the following products.

Please contact us within 7 days of receiving the item and return it to us by cash on delivery.


・If the ordered product and the delivered product are different

・If it is damaged or dirty

*For returns for other reasons, please contact us using the inquiry form.


[Products that cannot be returned]

・If the product you ordered does not fit your size

・If scratches or damage occur at the customer's expense

・Products that have been processed or renovated by the customer


About refunds

After we receive the returned product, we will transfer the total amount including the product price and consumption tax to your designated account.

(Please send returned items by cash on delivery.)


About cancellation

Cancellations cannot be made after the product has been shipped.