About maintenance

At KIRYU ALOHA, we perform maintenance (repairs) on the products you have purchased so that you can use our products for a long time.

If you are interested, please contact us with the necessary information and send us the item you have.


Flow of maintenance requests


①Please send an email to our company (home@kiryualoha.jp) with your name, address, phone number, desired maintenance details, and photos showing the condition.


②After checking the reply from our company, please ship the item to the specified address.

※Shipping will be borne by the customer.


③We will check the condition of the item and send you an estimated price via email.

*Depending on the condition of the item, we may not be able to repair it.


④After confirming the amount, please decide on the maintenance details.


⑤Please deposit money into the designated account.


⑥After we confirm your payment, we will carry out maintenance.



Maintenance reference price

button attachment

500 yen per place

(Additional charge if button is lost)

Rip/tear repair From 4,500 yen